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Currently there are more than 65 Hänel service centers in Germany, with service technicians standing by for rapid deployment to customer sites. The service technicians are in constant contact with the field service control center in Bad Friedrichshall, the headquarters of the Hänel Group, and are networked and coordinated centrally.

Service network
Hänel service – efficiency backed by expertise
Our commitment to customer service and support goes without saying
The most important task of Hänel's customer service organization is to make sure the value and the operability of your equipment is maintained. According to industrial safety legislation, the operator is obliged to keep equipment in safe working order throughout its operating life. This means that the safety of the systems must be checked at regular intervals.
Hänel Lean-Lift® and Hänel Rotomat® systems are high-tech quality products that need to be handled with appropriate care and technical know-how where maintenance and repair are concerned. For this reason, maintenance and repair work should always be carried out by our qualified Hänel service technicians. Because specialist inspections and maintenance ensure the continued operating safety and long life of your system.
Delegate your responsibility to us – you can rely on the Hänel service team.
Hänel customer service: Our support gets top ratings!
Our clients are extremely satisfied with Hänel's service
The regular polls we conduct in the form of customer questionnaires confirm that our clients are extremely satisfied with Hänel's service.
Customer satisfaction. Extract from the Hänel customer questionnaire: "If you have other Hänel storage systems in operation, how satisfied are you with our service?" Over 90% of customers supplied by Hänel in the last few years gave the answer GOOD or VERY GOOD! This clearly shows the importance our customers attach to the efficient Hänel service.
It goes without saying that malfunctions are a rare occurrence on Hänel storage systems. But if one should arise, it's reassuring to know you always have a reliable partner in the Hänel service team.