Hänel EcoDrive®
Efficient energy recovery
Depending on the traversing rate, up to 40 % of the energy fed in previously for the upward run can be returned to the power supply network!
Sustainability plays a key role from the very beginning in the design of Hänel lift systems. For example, Hänel systems are equipped with energy-efficient motors from brand-name manufacturers.
What’s more, Hänel engineers have been optimizing energy recovery in Hänel Lean-Lift® and Hänel Multi-Space® storage systems for over 15 years.
Years ago – at CeMAT 2008 – Hänel launched its EcoDrive® system. This system is based on a frequency converter developed by Hänel and Mitsubishi exclusively for vertical storage systems.
Hänel has relied on Mitsubishi frequency converters since 2002, and units with energy recovery have been available for Hänel Lean-Lift® and Hänel Multi-Space® systems since 2008.
Hänel was the first manufacturer worldwide to integrate such a development as a series feature in automated storage systems!
The built-in frequency converter transforms the kinetic energy of the descending extractor into electrical energy instead of allowing it to dissipate in the form of heat. Rather than being lost, this energy is fed back into the electrical power supply system and can be used elsewhere – for example, in other Hänel Lean-Lifts® running in a cluster configuration.
Depending on the rate of extractor travel, up to 40% of the energy required for the upward run can be recovered.
Today more and more customers worldwide are opting for efficient energy recovery when ordering Hänel Lean-Lift® and Hänel Multi-Space® storage systems.
Hänel EcoDrive® can improve your energy footprint and considerably reduce CO2 emissions!